30 Nights Wild, night 13

The wind had dropped this evening and with clear skies giving good light for photography, I was hoping the badgers would be out early again. Typically unpredictable, the first badger appeared much later than last night. Top boar Jeremy was first out and was soon joined by the cub Nicola. They finished eating and left, with no sign of the other badgers. Then the two cubs returned, as if Nicola had gone to fetch Nigel, and they had some peanuts and honey together. They disappeared into the brambles and Boris came in from the woods. He must have set out early as I didn't see him go. He came to the feeding site and finished off the few peanuts the cubs had left.

By then Jeremy and the cubs were playing under the big oak tree, largely hidden from view behind the brambles. Then it all went quiet and I knew they'd left, either into the woods or the field. I walked along the fence line, looking for them in the field, but there was no sign of them.


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