Volunteering at Wheldrake Ings

30 Days Wild, day 1: I was expecting June when I woke up this morning, but it appeared to be November. We've had dark clouds and strong winds all day and the temperature peaked at 12.6°. At least it hasn't rained.

I've been to a Yorkshire Wildlife Trust volunteer task day at Wheldrake Ings. There was a good turnout and a variety of tasks to be done. We walked down to the far end of the reserve and had coffee in one of the bird hides.

Security camera? No, it's a wasps' nest in the hide

 Moth on the hide window

One group of volunteers worked on a new section of boardwalk, while another group pulled out invasive Himalayan balsam along the river bank. I spent the morning brushcutting the footpath connecting the hides, to keep them accessible.

 Boardwalk briefing

 Laying netting to make it slip-proof

 Brushcutting the path

After lunch in the hide, another volunteer took over the brushcutting and I pulled balsam. Even in the strong wind, the call of the curlew could be heard over the floodplain meadows and the shrill whistle of a kingfisher, a flash of blue hurtling along the river.

Himalayan balsam amongst the nettles

Scarlet lily beetle on a nettle

Cow parsley blowing in the wind

Buttercups in the meadow


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