Volunteering at Skerne Wetlands II

30 Days Wild, day 16: Another day conservation volunteering at Skerne Wetlands. This time we had advance warning that the task day would be without a leader. Three of the volunteers worked on a fence around the new car park, while the other two cut up more of the felled trees from under the power lines (see day 2). The site had partially dried out, so areas that had been more than welly depth were now accessible. We were able to gather a large pile of brash for burning in the autumn.
Marsh frog

We saw a marsh harrier carrying sticks to its nest hidden at the southern end of the site. Marsh frogs were very vocal, particularly in the swampy area we were working in, and a small flock of long-tailed tits came past, making their contact calls.

Call of the Marsh Frog

West Beck, part of the River Hull headwaters


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