Canoeing on Pocklington Canal

30 Days Wild, day 8: Today I've been canoeing on Pocklington Canal. I started at Hagg Bridge, which is one of the original bridges on the canal dating from 1818. Although this section is navigable, there was no other traffic today apart from a couple of dog-walkers on the towpath, so it was very quiet and peaceful.

 Hagg Bridge

 Yellow water lilies line the canal

The canal is lined on each side with yellow water lilies, which are just coming into flower. In another week or two they will look magnificent. There were very few water birds around today - I only saw a couple of moorhens. I stopped at one point to take some photos and there was a huge splash just behind me. I turned round, hoping to see an otter, but in fact a fish had jumped and landed on a water lily.

The flowers are not yet open

A caddis fly on my arm

Minnows cruise amongst the water lilies


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