Volunteering at Skerne Wetlands

30 Days Wild, day 2: The temperature was about 10° when I arrived at Skerne Wetlands this morning, with a strong northerly wind making it feel a lot colder. We were even given a winter task to do! During the winter, National Grid had felled some trees under the power lines that cross a corner of the reserve.

 Felled trees under the power lines

Normally we would have cut them up and burnt them during the winter, but as the site flooded it couldn't be done. This seemed like a good time to catch up with the task, as we needed a fire to keep us warm. We carefully selected a suitable site, clear of the power lines and avoiding any possibility of disturbing nesting birds. Getting the fire started was a challenge, but eventually we succeeded and a lot of the brash was disposed of. The larger logs were piled up to rot down naturally and provide a habitat pile for invertebrates.

 Getting the fire going

In the afternoon, we had a walk around the reserve to discuss plans for the second phase of opening it up to the public. Phase one is almost ready, with just a few more signs to go up before the reserve opens in the next few weeks.

Former fish farm ponds landscaped for wetland birds (just add water)

Distant Roe deer are often seen on the reserve


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